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2013-03-18 Wod

"I'm going to burpee the ish out of this wod"

150 Clean and Jerks, 95/65#
Buy in: 3min AMB(urpees)AP

If you get to 50 burpees at or before the AMBAP finishes, then you're continuing until you complete 100 burpees for time
If you get less than 50 burpees, then # C&J = 150 - (3 x #Burpees Completed)

Do. Not. Game. This. Wod.



  1. This WOD should have been called Motivated 100 Burpees for Time.

  2. I request that you give me credit for the "ish" statement. Please and thank you :-)

  3. Except if you didn't make it to 50, you still had to do 100 burpees for time. Way to lie in your description of the wod!

  4. You know what? If you want me to do 100 burpees for time, just make the wod 100 burpees for time. Don't play games, man!
