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Sunday Outline: 1/12-1/18

Mon: Strength (see below) + 3:47
Tues: Core and Pushing
Wed:  Clean complex, max HSPU, hurdles
Thurs: Strength + MBC, WB, AMSUWB
Fri: 3 Position Snatch, Row, Plank
Sat: Rebekah's 31st birthday Wod
Sun: 530p Open Gym

You will need 40%, 50%, 60% of your (90% + 10#) for this week.

Info on the lifestyle challenge

Lifestyle challenge Log - Week 1

Photos from Wod 1 of the Truth in Fitness Throwdown

Photos from Wod 2 of the Truth in Fitness Throwdown

Photos from Wod 3 of the Truth in Fitness Throwdown


  1. For the log, if we started early - do we log the points for Monday and Tuesday as well? -Diana

  2. For those having trouble entering information into the log:

    Open up the document, click FILE in the left hand corner, choose either MAKE A COPY or DOWNLOAD.

    IF you download, save as an excel sheet and attach it in an email to amanda@crossfitveracity.
    IF you make a copy, share it with amanda@crossfitveracity.
    Either is fine with me.

    ALSO: Don't forget to sign the whiteboard in the front of the room upstairs if you are participating, and make sure you get your measurements and weight to me STAT.

    Good luck guys!

  3. Hi, does a small amount of half and half in coffee fall in the dairy (.5) or full 1 point. I am only looking at the log now and I didn't realize dairy would count against the full points for the day.
