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2013-01-29 Wod

7min AMRAP
20 BBRO Buy In
15 Double Unders
3 SDL @ 50% 1RM
Rest 30sec

5min AMRAP
15 BBRO Buy In
10 Double Unders
5 SDL @ 50% 1RM
Rest 30sec

3min AMRAP
10 BBRO Buy In
5 Double Unders
7 SDL @ 50% 1RM



2013-01-28 Wod

5 Rounds
15 Burpees
10 Power Cleans, 95/65#
5 Weighted Step Ups (Each Leg), 95/65#



2013-01-27 Paleo Post

Rule numero uno about posting for the Paleo Challenge: post every day! (But don't bother to go back and post on days you've already missed.)

You must complete benchmark wod "Helcey" by Wednesday.

Check out this great paleo breakfast find from Amy S!


2013-01-25 Wod

5 T2B
7 DL @ 50% 1RM

5 T2B
7 DL @ 50% 1RM
30sec Rest

Repeat for (a total of) 5 times



2013-01-24 Wod

4 Rounds
32 KB Swings, 24/16 kg
8 Ring Dips
4 Ring Rows



2013-01-22 Wod

8 Rounds
6 Box Jumps, 28/24"
8 Uneven Alt. Weighted Lunges, AHAP



2013-01-21 Wod

14min AMRAP
14 Push Presses, 85/55#
28 Med Ball Twists, 20/14#

EMOM: 14 Weighted Lateral Jumps, 20/14#



Things happening on Wed, Jan 23

Dr Mike from Advanced Performance and Rehabilitation Center will be giving a Paleo chat in conjunction with a presentation on the performance impact that Chiropractic care, nutrition, and neurology can have for athletes at CFV on Wednesday at 730p. All are welcome!

Hydro-static Body Fat testing will be at CFV (well actually on Crescent Road) on Wednesday between 430p and 930p. Please write your name on the sign-in sheet on the whiteboard and bring $100 cash/check/credit to your appointment. **This is mandatory if you want to be in the running for the prizes.**

CFV 6-week Paleo Challenge Overview:

- This will be run on the honor system. CFV is all about the truth. If you lie, not only are you hurting yourself, but you will also negatively impact your fellow members. Also, when you lie, your ear hair grows quicker. Don't let furry  earlobes happen to you.

- Starts Wednesday Jan 23 at 12:01a. Ends Wednesday March 6 at 12:01a.

- There will be two divisions: Rx and Scaled.

Both Rx and Scaled: Organic is recommended but not required. Do the best given your budget.

Both Rx and Scaled: benchmark wod is "Helcey"


Must post to this website EVERYDAY (starting Thursday under Wednesday's wod, etc.) one of three things (with respect to what you ate that day given your division): Strict Adherence (meals and snacks/treats), Adherence with Allowances (meals and snacks/treats), Cheat Meal(s). You cannot treat a bad afternoon / entire weekend as one cheat meal (examples given below).

Rx: No Grains, No Legumes, No Added Sugar. No Dairy. No Excuses.

Allowances: You can have - but are not obligated to have - the following:

Two (2) Paleo alcoholic drinks per week (e.g. - a glass of organic red wine, tequila, masculine hard cider) and no stockpiling drinks. Make them count.

Two (2) Paleo treats per week (e.g. - one (1) serving of baked Paleo goods, full fat cultured yogurt, 85% chocolate, etc). Please be reasonable with your serving size and note that one (1) serving is rarely a dozen of anything.

One (1) 'off the reservation' cheat meal over the course of the challenge.

Scaled: No Grains, No Legumes, No Added Sugar, Some Dairy (full fat cultured yogurt, 85% chocolate) in moderation. Some Paleo treats in moderation.

Allowances:  You can have - but are not obligated to have - the following:

Five (5) alcoholic drinks per week and no stockpiling drinks.

Five (5) 'off the reservation' cheat meals over the course of the challenge. (You cannot treat a bad afternoon / entire weekend as one cheat meal.)


One Rx winner will receive two (2) months of membership and one scaled winner will receive one (1) month of membership that will be decided upon by:

Compliance with the guidelines of the challenge.

Body fat loss (percentage relative to initial numbers).

Improvement in benchmark wod (Helcey).

Previous winners cannot win again.

Please keep in mind the following:

This is all about eating healthier. Make good choices to minimize your sugar intake (this includes fruits). Don't skip meals. Drink plenty of water. Keep that in mind when making all your food decisions and you should come out on top.

If you're eating Paleo but also having 3 paleo brownies after dinner each day, don't expect to see the results you are hoping for. A Paleo brownie is still a brownie.

Eating Paleo can be tailored for you to lose weight or gain it - but don't obsess over that number on the scale. Stress (i.e. obsessing over a number) will prevent you from achieving your goals. DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY.

A few FAQs:

Can I switch between Rx and scaled depending on the day?

No. You are either Rx or scaled from day one for the sake of point calculation.

Should I go back and post on days that I missed?

No. You have already missed that day. Focus on not missing any other days going forward.

Can I use my cheat meal in drinks?

No. That is why there are separate stipulations for what you eat and what you drink. Have a lot of alcohol/soda/etc and it will ruin all the good work you are doing with eating cleaner. Have a lot of water, and it will only make your results at the end of the challenge that much better.  Do not underestimate the importance of drinking well - there is no substitute for water!

Can I use heavy cream in my coffee/condiments on my meals?

Yes - just make sure you're not drinking a cup of heavy cream with a splash of coffee.

Can I use condiments/sauces on my meals?

Yes - just make sure you're not eating ketchup with a side of sweet potato fries. (Do you see a pattern here yet?) And make sure you check the ingredient label. You should choose something with a short list of ingredients. You should choose something without sugar or any of it's chemically manufactured derivatives. In some instances, this may be extremely difficult.

Can I eat out considering most restaurants don't have organic/grass fed options?

Yes - just be mindful that the less complicated the food, the better chance it will have less stuff that is bad for you. Ask the wait staff how the food is prepared - they should know. Make good, moderate choices overall and your body should be able to handle the unavoidable/unintentional "cheat". (Which for the purposes of this challenge, will not be considered a cheat - just make a conscious effort to keep it moderate.)

This is too hard - can I scale it back some more?

No. It's called a challenge for a reason - it's challenging. Stop indicating your desire to drink more, eat more dessert, blah, blah, blah and just Man/Lady Up and eat clean.

Google is very helpful but a few websites to start everyone off can be found HERE

Start posting today - just to familiarize yourself with the process.

Here is a good video summarizing the why of Paleo:

Best to all!


2013-01-19 Wod

12min AMRAP
21 Wallballs, 20/14#
15 Burpees
9 C2B Pullups



2013-01-18 Wod

4 Rounds in Teams of 4
A: 300m Row (Timekeeper)
B: HPS, 95/65#
C: Manmakers, 25/15#
D: Rest



2013-01-17 Wod

13min Time Cap:

30 Burpee over Barbell Buy In,
then AMRAP in remaining time of:

15 Thrusters, 95/65#
2 TGU (EA), 24/16 kg



2013-01-16 Wod

"Not Re-bear-kah"

3 Rounds:
4/3/2 HSPU
4/3/2 HSPU
16 DL, 205/145#
4/3/2 HSPU
29 Double Unders*

Buy Out: 2 HSPU

*For Rx+ (plus): Double Unders must be unbroken



2013-01-15 Wod

14min AMRAP
14 SDLHP, 85/55#
10 Box Jumps, 24/20"
10 Box Dips
1 Rope Climb



2013-01-14 Wod


3 Rounds
400m Run
3 Rounds of Cindy
10 Clean and Jerks

(1 Round of Cindy = 5 Pullups + 10 Pushups + 15 Air Squats)



Hope for Kenya: Mud Huts

The school of Gandini has an enrollment of 650 kids in grades ranging from ECD, or Kindergarten, up through grade 8.  Through the years, different NGO’s have come through and built shotty buildings that are beginning to fall apart after only a few years of use.  Gandini has a total of 6 permanent classrooms within 3 different buildings spread out across the school compound.  These classrooms are used by the older children, forcing the ECD and 1st grade students to meet under a tree or in mud hut that was built by the parents.


2013-01-12 Wod

Part 1:
Tabata Snatch Balance, 95/55#
Part 2:
4min AMRAP
4 HPS, 85/55#
4 Burpees
Part 3:
Tabata OHS, 85/55#



2013-01-11 Wod

Partner A:
Top of DL Hold, 205/135#
Partner B: 
200 OHL, 45/25#
100 Weighted Pushup, 45/25#
50 Weighted AMSU, 45/25#

Chipper can be broken up any way.

Work can only be performed while barbell is off the ground.



2013-01-10 Wod

5 Rounds
Rest 1min
3 Rounds
Rest 1min
2 Rounds

Round = EMOM for 2min
1st min: 10 Double Unders + 5 Push Jerks, 135/95#
2nd min: 10 T2B

 K$'s1st T2B

I think she's happy



2013-01-09 Wod

12min AMRAP
6 DL @ 50% 1RM
3n Box Jumps
3 HSPU on Box

n= # of current round



2013-01-08 Wod

4 Rounds
20 Wallballs, 20/14#
10 C2B Pullups
5 Pistol Squats (one side)

EMOM: 4 Burpees



2013-01-07 Wod

123 Unbroken KB Swings, 24/16 kg

KB can be stopped in the hang position. If the KB rests (on ground, thigh, foot, etc), stop KB swings and do some math:

123 - # of swings completed  = (hopefully) a two digit number. Take the first digit and that becomes the number of rounds you need to complete of:

7 SDLHP, 24/16 kg
1 TGU, 24/16 kg



Hope For Kenya: Coach Glassman

CrossFit has been involved in changing lives in rural Kenya for just over a year now.  Since Coach Glassman decided to begin the Kenya initiative, there have been four classrooms, two 35,000 liter water tanks, 60 desks and a latrine built across three different villages, affecting about 2,000 school children total.  CrossFit, along with Koins for Kenya, plans to do much, much more as a result of the Hope for Kenya WOD. It costs only $14,000 to build a two-room school building in this part of the world - and it can hold up to 140 students at a time.  Lasting for up to three generations, this building will, in turn, hold upwards of 21,000 students while its walls still stand.


2013-01-05 Wod

12min Time Cap to Row 3000m in Teams of 3:
Station A: 15 MBC + 5 Ring Dips (Timekeeper)
Station B: Row
Station C: Bear Crawl

If row not completed, Rest 1 min then:

30sec of work, 15sec Rest/Transition time:
Station A: Row
Station B: Hanging L-sit hold
Station C: 12 Jumping Lunges + 3 Burpees

Until row is completed



2013-01-04 Wod

HPC, 95/65#
Incline Pushups on Barbell

Buy out: 20 BBRO



2013-01-03 Wod

13min AMRAP
5 SDL @ 60% 1RM
8 Uneven Weighted Step-Ups
26 Lateral Jumps



2013-01-02 Wod

1000m Run
500 Single Unders
250 Forearm to Plank Pushups
100 Air Squats
75 Push Presses, 45/30# (Barbell)
25 Alt Lunges, Barbell
12 Burpees



Happy New Year!

Thanks to all of you for making 2012 so awesome for CFV!

Paleo Challenge: CF Open edition begins Monday, January 21.

Hope for Kenya Fundraiser on Saturday, January 26.

Registration for the 2013 CrossFit Open begins January 30 for worldwide workouts between March 6 and April 7.

Very exciting stuff coming in 2013 - can't wait to share the experience with everyone!