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Moving on up!

We have upgraded to a newer website so please visit us at the link below! The links in this website will remain active and functional so please feel free to reach out to us directly from here as well. (But the new website is really sweet so you might as well at least take a look over there.)


Sunday Outline: 9/7-9/13

Mon: Murph
Tues: Part 1: WK 3 Day 1 Squats Part 2: Rope Climb, HPC, Run
Wed: Part 1: Row Sprints 2: DU, KBS, Row
Thurs: Part 1: W3.D2 Squats Part 2: SDLHP, TTB, PP
Fri: Teams doing Tire Flips, TGU, OH Hold
Sat: W3:D3 Sq or Ball Slams, Hurdles, HSPU, AMSU finisher
Sun: Open Gym and W3:D3 Sq

Good reads:

Teacher discounts

State Regulation of Trainers in layman's terms

Chat at the water cooler videos:

Save the Bros (wait for the end)

The fat shaming video (and its aftermath)


Sunday Outline: 8/31-9/6

Mon: Strict CTB Buy-in, Run, Snatch, AMSU
Tues: Part 1: WK 2 Day 1 Squats Part 2: GSO Wod 3
Wed: Part 1: STO 2: TTB, DL, BFB
Thurs: Part 1: W2.D2 Squats Part 2: Shoot Throughs, WB
Fri: Power Clean, KBS
Sat: W2:D3 Sq or Team Run, Jump Rope
Sun: Open Gym and W2:D3 Sq

Good reads:

How DC Politics can affect us here

What we can do about the above: We Built this Box

Patient Zero in Fear the Walking Dead?

New stretch in honor of the Octopi?

Daniel was the real bully



Sunday Outline: 8/24-8/30

Mon: Frantastic + Slam Sprint Finisher
Tues: Part 1: WK 1 Day 1 Squats Part 2: DU, AMSU, squat
Wed: Part 1: Bench Part 2: Rope Climbs and Hang Power Snatch
Thurs: Part 1: W1.D2 Squats Part 2: Row, HSWU, KBS
Fri: Run, Box Jump, Seated DB PRess
Sat: Power Cleans, TTB, Pushups
Sun: Open Gym and W1:D3 Sq

Good reads:

Please download the apps toward the bottom of the article!

Does anyone wear jeans?

Stay focused

Eagles are badass



Sunday Outline: 8/17-8/23

Mon: Congealed FGB
Tues: Part 1: Back Squat Maxes Part 2: TGU, sprints and around the world finisher
Wed: Part 1: Back Squat Maxes Part 2: pullups, run and amsu finisher
Thurs: Part 1: Back Squat Maxes Part 2: DU, 3 different types of lunges and windmill finisher
Fri: row, bear complex, plank
Sat: GSO floater wod elements
Sun: Open Gym

Good reads:


sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better

Coca-cola funds scientists who shift blame from obesity away from bad diets


Sunday Outline: 8/10-8/16

Mon: Deuce Birthday Wod (similar to last year but not really and not any easier)
Tues: Skill 1: Triple Unders. Skill 2: Snatch Balance then Team snatch, CTB, Row
Wed: Skill: Pause Split Jerk then PP, Run and Superman finisher
Thurs: Skill: Handstands then Sprint, MBCWB, KB, Rest
Fri: DL at 80%, 65%, BFB and sprint finisher
Sat: Team TTB, Back Squats, Sled Push (please minimize parking in parking lot)
Sun: Open Gym

Good reads:

Anti: 2015 CF Games

Pro: 2015 CF Games

History of Wrestling and how CrossFit is part of the future

Bad news for late night imbibers



Sunday Outline: 8/3-8/9

Mon: KB, OHL, TTB, rest, GSq, WMASU, Plank, rest and windmill finisher
Tues: Skill: HPC + STO complex then WB, CTB
Wed: Skill: 2RM Back Squat then BoJu, AMSU, DU and hill finisher
Thurs: Skill: Power Clean EMOM then TGU, ball slam, pushups
Fri: MU + Ring Dips, OHS and good morning finisher
Sat: DU, Snatch, Plank
Sun: Closed

Good reads:

Anti: 2015 CF Games

Pro: 2015 CF Games

(Two more opposing articles next week)

"The President" in one photo

25 of the best repsonses to Amazon Prime Day