To get started, sign up below for your free class!

Want to know what CrossFit is and what to expect in your class? CLICK HERE!

Getting Started

*Owner's note: I am extremely proud that CFV is the first to pioneer a free week on an ongoing basis. It speaks to the quality of the coaching and the programming we have here: great instruction and approachable workouts for the elite and the deconditioned alike. Instead of showing up on a day where the workout (wod) is a "1 Rep Max of (something)" or "Run a 5k" and not getting what CrossFit is all about from the one random free class, after attending a Monday "intro", you get the opportunity to see a solid cross-section of wods over the course of a week and get to appreciate CrossFit for what it is: an awesome, well rounded, varied program that works! - LM

The nature of the CrossFit 
wod lends itself to a class structure. Each of the classes will have a certified instructor leading the class through a warm-up, a review of the movements required for the wod that day, set-up and coaching throughout the wod, and a cool down. (Want more detail on the first class? click here!)

You will get coaching every time you arrive for a wod! (CFV coaches are there to instruct, guide, and motivate - we do this because we love it - let us share the love.) This coaching not only affords all members the value that they are entitled to but also allows for the safety of all members during the wod. 

Step 1: Come try any class for free by sending us an email indicating which regular WOD (shown in red on the schedule) class you would like to try as your free class. No amount of reading up on the subject can compare to actually completing a wod. First WEEK is FREE - there is no reason not to check at least one class out! (Want to read up anyway - including a timeline of each class? click here!)

Step 2: Come to an Intro to CrossFit Series - starting every Monday (3 classes) pursuant to the following schedule:

Mon at 715p (Class 1 of 3)
Wed at 715p (Class 2 of 3)
Sat at 845a (Class 3 of 3)

Start dates can be found HERE. Each series follows a specific progression with a detailed outline to everything CrossFit. Here you will learn how to perform the basic fundamental movements properly and gradually increase your intensity with a wod at the end of each class. You can register HERE - or for more information on pricing or the Intro to CrossFit Series itself please see our FAQ page.

Step 3: Become a member and you can show up to any regular WOD (shown in red on the schedule) in any combination of times or days that works best with your schedule.

Next page: About CFV