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Want to know what CrossFit is and what to expect in your class? CLICK HERE!


Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

Since classes begin next week, I figure that it would be a good idea to finish up the plyo boxes that were started last weekend with the help of a good friend of mine. I've known Jay since the 1st grade (long time - I know!) and whether it was playing TMNT (you know what that stands for and you clearly know who I was) back in the day or meeting up for drinks now, he was and continues to be a great person and an even better friend -  thanks buddy!

Travel Wods

  • Run 1/2 mile 50 air squats - 3 rounds.
  • 10 push-ups 10 sit ups 10 squats - 10 rounds.
  • 200 air squats for time.
  • "Susan" Run 200m 10 squats 10 push ups 5 rounds.
  • Sprint 200m and do 25 push ups, 3 rounds.
  • 10 Handstand push ups and a 200m run 3 rounds.


Common CrossFit Terms and Abbrev.

WOD: WorkOut of the Day
RX: Ideal (or 'as prescribed') configuration of weight and movements for any given WOD
#: Pounds (lbs)
AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible
AHAP: As Heavy As Possible
PR: Personal Record


Sunny Day

Great showing at the Lululemon Event Saturday! More pictures to come..

Meme during the deadlift warmup


Meet Us Saturday May 21 at 9:00am

Come meet CrossFit Veracity at the Downdogs & Deadlifts event Saturday May 21st at 9:00am sponsored by Lululemon Summit. RSVP at the above email or contact us!