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2014-05-29 Wod

4 Rounds
100m Run
10 Push Jerks, 105/75#
100m Run
10 Burpee Broad Jumps



2014-05-28 Wod

20min Time Cap:
5 x 7 Bear Complex (power clean, front sq, STO, back sq, STO)


6min Partner AMRAP
12 IGYG Box Jumps, 30/24” (total)
12 Pushups (each)



2014-05-27 Wod

80-60-40-20 Double Unders
40m one arm OHL, 45/25# db (every 20m, 1 TGU, alt arms)



2014-05-26 Wod


In honor of US Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, TX, who died on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device.

10 Rounds
5 Thrusters, 115(/80)#
10 Pullups
100m Run
1min Rest



Suns Out, Guns Out, Shirts Optional Lifestyle Challenge

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher Reeve

At CFV, we couldn't agree more - and we also believe that heroes can also look the part with a little bit of focus. We've decided to step up our game for the next Lifestyle Challenge and to help motivate everyone to participate, we are collecting a $40 registration per person to benefit The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation as well as offer a Cash Prize to the Winner. Can't get better than helping a superhero and getting ready for "suns out, guns out, shirts optional" weather with some cash in hand!

CFV 5-week Lifestyle Challenge Key Dates:

- Starts Wednesday, May 28 at 12:01a. Ends Tuesday, July 1 at 11:59p

- Paleo BBQ in CFV Parking Lot Thursday, June 12 at 730p (bring a side and/or drink)

- Benchmark wod on "suns out, guns out, shirts optional day", July 2. Only 4 classes (545a, 945a, 545p, 745p) that day. Did I mention shirts are optional that day?

- CFV Family Beach Day Saturday July 12 in Point Pleasant

CFV 5-week Lifestyle Challenge Overview:

- $40 to be collected via cash, check, or CC Charge. (half to charity/half to winner)

- Only one overall winner (past winners are eligible) chosen based on adherence to guidelines below.

- Must sign up on whiteboard and set a goal of an overall body composition increase or decrease. Weight (scale) and body measurements to be taken as follows:

- This will be run on the honor system. CFV is all about the truth. If you lie, not only are you hurting yourself, but you will also negatively impact your fellow members. Also, when you lie, your breath gets real stank. Don't let horrible halitosis happen to you.


Must submit Weekly Lifestyle Log every Sunday. No late submissions will be accepted. This log will be emailed to all participants and will include instructions on how to award points in sleep, workout, food, water, and bonus categories.

Rx: No Grains, No Legumes, No Added Sugar. No Dairy. No Excuses.

Allowances: You can have - but are not obligated to have - the following:

Two (2) Paleo alcoholic drinks per week (e.g. - a glass of organic red wine, tequila, hard cider) and no stockpiling drinks. Make them count.

Two (2) Paleo treats per week (e.g. - one (1) serving of baked Paleo goods, full fat cultured yogurt, 85% chocolate, etc). Please be reasonable with your serving size and note that one (1) serving is rarely a dozen of anything.

One (1) 'off the reservation' cheat meal over the course of the challenge.


Winner will receive 50% of the total money collected and will be decided upon by:

Compliance with the guidelines of the challenge

Improvement in benchmark wod

Achievement in body composition goal

Please keep in mind the following:

This is all about eating healthier. Make good choices to minimize your sugar intake (this includes fruits). Don't skip meals. Drink plenty of water. Keep that in mind when making all your food decisions and you should come out on top.

If you're eating Paleo but also having 3 paleo brownies after dinner each day, don't expect to see the results you are hoping for. A Paleo brownie is still a brownie.

Eating Paleo can be tailored for you to lose weight or gain it - but don't obsess over that number on the scale. Stress (i.e. obsessing over a number) will prevent you from achieving your goals. DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF EVERYDAY.

A few FAQs:

Can I use my cheat meal in drinks?

No. That is why there are separate stipulations for what you eat and what you drink. Have a lot of alcohol/soda/etc and it will ruin all the good work you are doing with eating cleaner. Have a lot of water, and it will only make your results at the end of the challenge that much better.  Do not underestimate the importance of drinking well - there is no substitute for water!

Can I use heavy cream in my coffee?

Yes - just make sure you're not drinking a cup of heavy cream with a splash of coffee.

Can I use condiments/sauces on my meals?

Yes - just make sure you're not eating ketchup with a side of sweet potato fries. (Do you see a pattern here yet?) And make sure you check the ingredient label. You should choose something with a short list of ingredients. You should choose something without sugar or any of it's chemically manufactured derivatives. In some instances, this may be extremely difficult.

Can I eat out considering most restaurants don't have organic/grass fed options?

Yes - just be mindful that the less complicated the food, the better chance it will have less stuff that is bad for you. Ask the wait staff how the food is prepared - they should know. Make good, moderate choices overall and your body should be able to handle the unavoidable/unintentional "cheat". (Which for the purposes of this challenge, will not be considered a cheat - just make a conscious effort to keep it moderate.)

This is too hard - can I scale it back some more?

No. It's called a challenge for a reason - it's challenging. Stop indicating your desire to drink more, eat more dessert, blah, blah, blah and just Man/Lady Up and eat clean.

Google is very helpful but a few websites to start everyone off can be found HERE

Here is a good video summarizing the why of Paleo:

Best to all!

Sunday Outline: 5/26-6/1

Mon: Hero Wod
Tues: Double Unders + TGU + OHL
Wed: Bear Complex + amrap finisher
Thurs: Run, Lift, Run, Jump
Fri: Slam balls gallore
Sat: Squat Snatch + C2B AMRAP
Sun: Open Gym

Good Read:


2014-05-24 Wod

Squat Clean, 115/80#
Plyo Pushups
Ball Throws, 50/35#



2014-05-23 Wod

13min AMRAP
6 Burpee into T2B
7 Snatch Grip DL, 50% 1RM

Finisher: 2:30min Hollow Body Hold



2013-05-22 Wod

Skill Work: Snatch Balance

5 Rounds
5 (Power) Snatch, 135/95#
20 WB, 20/14#



2014-05-21 Wod

Skill Work: HSPU

3 Rounds in Teams of 3
A: 10m Walking Lunge, 28/20 kg + 125m Row + 10m Walking Lunge, 28/20 kg (Timekeeper)
B: Max Double Unders
C: 10 Shoot Throughs (RRT)



2014-05-20 Wod

5x3 Front Squat (2-sec pause at bottom of each squat)


10min AMRAP
200m Run
Max Pullups



2014-05-19 Wod

“World War Carol”
2 Rounds
26 KB Swings (USA), 32/24 kg
26 OHL (total), 85/60# (with barbell)
26 Push Presses, same barbell
26 Burpees
EMOM: 4 Hurdles, 24/20”



Sunday Outline: 5/19-5/25

Mon: Carol's Birthday Wod
Tues: 5x3 Front Sq w/ Pause + Pullup Metcon
Wed: HSPU Skill Work + Team Wod
Thurs: 5 Rounds of Snatches
Fri: Snatch Grip DL + T2B
Sat: Squat Clean + Ball Throws
Sun: No Open Gym
Mon: Memorial Day - Holiday Schedule Hours!

Good Reads:

“Train like a strongman, diet like bodybuilder, mobilize like a weightlifter, and think like a powerlifter.”



2014-05-16 Wod

Nasty Girls V2 (with 20min Time Cap)
3 Rounds
50 Pistol Squats (25 each leg)
7 Muscle Ups*
10 HPC, 175, 115#


2014-05-15 Wod

12min AMRAP
12 Box Jumps, 24/20"
12 OHL, 45/25#
12cal AirDyne
6 Ring Pushups



2014-05-14 Wod

"Beauty is a Beast"
Run to Beauty’s House
33 DL @ 70% 1RM
33 Cal Row
33 Wallballs, 20/14#
33 Slam Balls, 50/35#
33 Ball Throws, 50/35#
33 Double Unders
33 Burpees
Run to Beauty’s House



2014-05-13 Wod

3min AMRAP
10 Kb Swings (Russian), 32/24 kg
1 OHS (one arm, each), 55/35#
90sec Rest
3min AMRAP
8 Kb Swings (Russian), 32/24 kg
2 OHS (one arm, each), 55/35#
90sec Rest
3min AMRAP
6 Kb Swings (Russian), 32/24 kg
3 OHS (one arm, each), 55/35#
90sec Rest
3min AMRAP
4 Kb Swings (Russian), 32/24 kg
4 OHS (one arm, each), 55/35#



2014-05-12 Wod

1st min 4 Back Squats @ 70%
2nd min 100m Sprint
3rd min 5 Split Jerks, 135/95#
4th min 10 T2B



Sunday Outline: 5/12-5/18

Mon: Back Sq EMOM
Tues: 1arm OHS + KB Swings
Wed: "Beauty is  Beast"
Thurs: Box Jumps + Ring Pushups
Fri: Nasty Girls V2
Sat: Row
Sun: Open Gym

Good Reads:




2014-05-09 Wod

800m Run
10 Manmakers, 45/25#
1000m Row
10 MM
100/80cal Airdyne



2014-05-08 Wod

Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Wod V2

3 Rounds
45sec T2B + 15sec Rest
45sec Goblet Squat, 24/16 kg +15sec Rest
45sec Double Unders + 15sec Rest
45sec Push Press, 75/55# + 15sec Rest


5min time cap of 300m Run, 45/25# then max Burpees



2014-05-07 Wod

Wallballs, 20/14#
Ring Pullups
Buy out: 50 AMSU



2014-05-06 Wod

Warm up: GHD Quiz Show.

(60s work: 20s transition)x12
Odd: 4 Squat Snatches, 115/80#
Even: 50m Sled Push, 215 (3x45)/170 (2x45)#



2014-05-05 Wod

"The DiAngelo Doosey"

45min Partner AMRAP
1mile Run w/ 45# barbell
45 IGYG Burpees (each)
400m Partner Carry (each)
A: 400m Run or 500m Run (timekeeper)
B: 45 Plank Hold Buy-in then AMRAP of:
9 Box Jump On and Over, 24/20”



Sunday Outline: 5/5-5/11

Mon: Beth's Bday Wod
Tues: Squat Snatch and Sled Push
Wed: Wallballs and Ring Pullups
Thurs: Cookies for Kids' Cancer Wod V2
Fri: Manmakers
Sun: Open Gym

Good Reads:


2014-05-03 Wod

Deadlifts @ 65% 1RM
Box Jumps, 24/20”
Ball Slams, 35/15#



2014-05-02 Wod

14min AMRAP
200m Run
14 KB Swing (Hybrid), 24/16 kg
7 Strict Press, 75/55#



2014-05-01 Wod

234 Double Unders (700 Single Unders)
E2MO2M: Clean Complex (Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + 2 Front Squats), 155/105
*Start with Clean Complex
