2 Round Partner Wod (guy + girl, IGYG) 600m Run (together) 50 Step ups, 20” 40 DB Snatches, 45/25# 30 Burpees to a Box (Guy does the entire wod with a 14# medball taped to his stomach. In the case of male pairs, alternate wearing a 45# weight vest each round.)
Mon: 1x20 Back Squats (+5# from last week) + Hatch Woddiversary Tues: Skill: Tall Cleans, Wod: Squat Cleans and Hurdles, Finisher: Strict TTB Wed: Skill: Bench Press, Wod: Pullup, KB Swing, Press, + some outdoor stuff AMRAP Thurs: Fight Gone Dab Fri: Skill: Handstand Walk, Wod: EMOM w/ no motivational consequence, Finisher: Manmakers Sat: 3x20 Sun: No Open Gym Good Reads: I like this guy's sense of humor
Mon: 1x20 Back Squats (+5# from last week) + finisher Tues: T2R + DL Wed: How you say Francesca is calling? Thurs: TGU + Renegade Row + carry Fri: KB Swings + Cleans Sat: Team Push Jerks + carry Sun: Open Gym at 530 Good Reads: The Central Governor The Push-Up: Why is this so hard? Bacon Sushi!!!
Mon: 1x20 Back Squats (+5# from last week) + finisher Tues: Snatch Balance + Partner finisher Wed: work-12min rest-work 12min rest-work Thurs: DB Press + DL + DU AMRAP Fri: 45sec on/ 15sec off of a lot of stuff Sat: Run + Rings Sun: Closed
*Check schedule tab to confirm class times* Mon: 1x20 Back Squats + finisher (not a 5k) Tues: Bear Complex Benchmark + finisher (not a 5k) Wed: HPC + Pullup Thurs: BTN Push Press + OHS Fri: ??? Sat: Closed because you are all going to be at CFV Beach Day at Point Pleasant! Sun: Open Gym at 530p