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It has made all the difference

I never thought that when I made the decision to open up my own CrossFit box in Feb 2011 that I would ever need to look into commercial glass door manufacturers or help a paving company paint new lines for parking spaces or deal with fire alarm companies that can't connect to their satellite or hire licensed professionals to testify on the positive and negative criteria of a my business to a town land use board. And while so many little things end up taking vast amounts of time and energy and resources and as a result I begin to consider that I could have taken another road, so many people step up and support in ways that I couldn't even imagine.

I haven't been coaching very many evening classes recently as I've been working at the new space as much as I can getting it ready so you guys are blown away when you first walk in. I have to thank Bean and Bob (for whom the B&B Lounge in the new box is named after) for all the sweat equity they have put into the original CFV and the new CFV. I have to thank all my coaches - Ethan, Jared, Meghan, Pat, Stacey, Will - for covering my classes so I can have the time to be elsewhere.

I recently hit 'dismiss' instead of 'snooze' on my alarm and woke up in a panic when it was already after class was supposed to start. Haven't done that in over a year - so I have to thank all my members for allowing me the flexibility to be human. And of course I have to thank my family and friends who give me respite (usually food is involved in one way, shape, or form) when it is needed most.

I cannot be more excited about the new space. Leaving the hassles of a white smock chasing people around the parking lot and no longer being nervous about the floor swallowing someone whole because everyone is dropping heavier and heavier weights on it almost leaves me speechless. The new space has none of the bad stuff and all of the good stuff. It's an awesome box (cue Michael Scott).

I've sent out an email (Subject Line - CrossFit Veracity: Year Three) that outlines the transition into the new space and all that that entails. If you have not received it, check for it in your spam folder. In any case, all the coaches and I will be talking about it during all the classes this week. Feel free to pull me - or any of the coaches - aside so we can talk about any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We're all pretty responsive to emails as well if that suits you better.

I need to be clear that I appreciate it all: every kind gesture, every nice email, every constructive criticism - it motivates me to do better things and help more efficiently. I love helping others - thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I love.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post. It's why you are successful and will continue to be so. Good luck in the new space.
