*Check schedule tab to confirm class times*
Mon: 5x5 Tempo Front Squats + slam ball finisher
Tues: DB Snatch and Double Unders
Wed: Suns Out, Guns Out, Shirts Optional Day (14.4 benchmark retest) - 545a, 915a, 530p, 745p
Thurs: Pullups, HSPU, Row
Fri: Holiday Schedule - 700a, 900a, 1100a - Melissa's 41st Bday Wod
Sat: Holiday Schedule - 700a, 900a - Team Wod
Sun: Closed
Lifestyle Log 6:
Good Reads:
Must watch video (less than 2min) on why you should never give up
Mobility for people who hate doing mobility
Gross Info on Hot Tubs...
That video reminds me of Rebekah!