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Sunday Outline: 6/30-7/6

*Check schedule tab to confirm class times*

Mon: 5x5 Tempo Front Squats + slam ball finisher
Tues: DB Snatch and Double Unders
Wed: Suns Out, Guns Out, Shirts Optional Day (14.4 benchmark retest) - 545a, 915a, 530p, 745p 
Thurs:  Pullups, HSPU, Row
Fri: Holiday Schedule - 700a, 900a, 1100a - Melissa's 41st Bday Wod
Sat: Holiday Schedule - 700a, 900a - Team Wod
Sun: Closed

Lifestyle Log 6:

Good Reads:

Must watch video (less than 2min) on why you should never give up

Mobility for people who hate doing mobility

Gross Info on Hot Tubs...


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