RX: Ideal (or 'as prescribed') configuration of weight and movements for any given WOD
#: Pounds (lbs)
AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible
AHAP: As Heavy As Possible
(let's get these out of the way early)AHAP: As Heavy As Possible
BJ: Box Jump
BS: Back Squat
TT: Time Trial
PP: Push Press
PJ: Push Jerk
Bear Crawl: Crawl like a bear
Tabata: A combined interval of 20 seconds of maximal effort immediately followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times
Tabata: A combined interval of 20 seconds of maximal effort immediately followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times
Kipping: Creating momentum in the horizontal plane and transferring it to the vertical plane by a powerful hip drive most often timed with an upper body movement
DL: Deadlift
DL: Deadlift
FS: Front Squat
OHS: OverHead Squat
HPS: Hang Power Snatch
HPC: Hang Power Clean
C&J: Clean and Jerk
C2B: Chest to Bar
T2B: Toes to Bar
K2E: Knees to Elbows
DU: Double Under
MU: Muscle Up
RC: Rope Climb
HSPU: Hand Stand Push Up
KB: Kettle Bell
Pd: Pood (unit of mass where 1 pood ~ 36lbs)
GHD: Glute-Ham Developer
AbMat: A mat for your abs
21-15-9: Does not equal negative 3, but you'll wish it did
Next page: Getting Started
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