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Sunday Outline 10/14-10/19

New protocol since we're switching to only unlimited memberships or drop-ins (so you can make more of an informed decision as to when to drop-in):

Monday: Tire Flips and some unbroken unders
(Only slightly unrelated: read about Bartolome Day)
Tues: Coach Meghan's birthday wod (she's 28)
Wed: Squat Snatch Triplet AMRAP
Thurs: T2B buy-in then AMRAP
Fri: Yulia's birthday wod (She's so chipper all the time...)
Sat: Team wod


  1. No! I don't want to know!

  2. I too like the element of surprise and the fact that I don't know up front what challenges will be presented that day. Surely many others feel the same?

  3. It's vague enough that I am comfortable that no one will guess the wod. And if that ever happens, everyone will then have to decipher an encryption key to read the outline...

  4. I think your more excited about all the creative writing that's ahead of you! Here's your chance to showcase your wittiness :)

  5. Actually looking at the schedule ahead of time, gets me all excited and still this is not all revealed. e.g Squat Snatch I know that but do not know what triplet AMRAP would be..
    So cool

  6. Happy Birthday coach Meghan. Your WOD kicked my butt. Looking forward to Yulia's birthday...
