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2011-10-10 Wod

14min AMRAP

9 Push Presses, 95/65#
9 Back Squats, 95/65#
9 Barbell Rollouts
200m Run



  1. Can you describe a barbell roll out? I want to try this.

  2. Roy, you'll love them. they're easy and you can knock them out quickly....good luck.

  3. Roy - Kneeling on the ground, start with the barbell against your thighs. Maintaining a stable midline, grip the barbell with straight arms and roll it out in front of you until your body is as parallel to the floor as it can be. Return to the starting position. That is one barbell roll out. Happy Rolling!

  4. I will have to try these when I get back to the UK. I think the push presses will be the worst part of this as the time goes on. Thanks!
