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Want to know what CrossFit is and what to expect in your class? CLICK HERE!


Thank you

For allowing me to go away with my family and adorable niece and nephew for a few days. Here are a few parting words:

REST. I know this may sound crazy, but giving your body time off will do WONDERS for your performance in wods. If you can't manage to sit still then here are a few options for you:

Go wod at other boxes. Be good guests. Buy some shirts. Let me know what you like, what you don't like, what CFV could use to be better. I would start with Tim at CrossFit 908 in Berkeley Heights - he is a good guy with a great box (yea I said it) - and go from there.

Go do other things. Ashleigh Kast has kettlebell classes at CFV and her schedule can be found HERE. Go spinning, kickboxing, hiking, swimming, spelunking. CrossFit has given you a good fitness base - go see what you can do.

After your fun filled activities:

Check Facebook for all the photos from the past few months.

Make sure you have signed up to be automatically billed on the 28th of every month HERE

Read. Anything. It's good for you.

See everyone Labor Day starting at 730a!


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