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Sunday Outline: 10/20-10/26

Through January, we will be dedicating the first part of every Monday and Thursday class to increasing one (or two) of four major lifts: squat (back or front), deadlift (traditional or sdl), bench press, strict press. For those interested in following a pre-planned program, please come prepared with a working knowledge of the proper warm up as well as your personal maxes as this program will rely on percentages and consistent attendance. If you miss Monday, Thursday will be your make up day. If you make Monday, you can pick a second lift if you can consistently attend every Thursday as well. Everyone else will be working on varied strength work that does not need to rely on the more structured program mentioned above.

So for this week - if you are interested in following a pre-planned program - please take the opportunity Monday and or Thursday to find a 1RM (3RM, or 5RM if you have recently done your 1RM) of whatever you would like to work on (I would suggest to focus on the back or front squat but it's your world and I just live in it). If you have little to no interest, rest assured that there is little to no change for you as you will continue to get the same great workout as you have already been getting the past 2 months as we have beta tested this strength/wod/finisher class set up with great success. (However not at all like this FB fiasco..)

Mon: Strength: Athletes Choice + Adriane's Get Up then Stop and Drop Partner Ninja Wod (bundle up)
Tues: HSPU, Pullups, Ball Slams, SBC
Wed: OHS, KB Swing EMOM
Thurs: Strength: Athletes Choice + Double Under Wod
Fri: Power Snatch, WB
Sat: Wod to End Alzheimer's + Summit Sweat Crawl @ 100p and 130p (register to the left)
Sun: 530p Open Gym

Good Reads:


Why grunting may help you

Low fat milk and yogurt are a bad idea

Why you shouldn't buy into the ebola hype


1 comment:

  1. I think its a great idea!!! I would definitely pick Front/Back Squats for myself.

    Thank you

