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2012-02-02 Wod

6 Rounds:

Partner A:
2 Rope Climbs (Timekeeper)

Partner B:
2 Thrusters into 2 Back Squats, 115/85#
Static Hold (Chin over bar)

12 Box Jumps (Total) Before Switching



  1. Day 19 - perfect paleo day....I went to a party last night and the room was surrounded with candy. It took everything I had not to eat the sour patch kids but I made it through and I was the first one to leave ( so I wouldn't cheat)....

    1. I go to lame parties because none of them have sour patch kids

  2. Day 19, no cheat. My stomach has been getting super sensitive to almost everything I eat that didn't used to upset my stomach. Kiwis, bananas, pears, raw almonds and now possibly cashews. Pepto bismol is starting to become my best friend lately.

    1. those fruits are very sugary so it makes sense that they would cause an 'im sensitive to sugar' reaction. raw almonds are full of fiber...

  3. so, I felt guilty for having cream in my coffee yesterday and not counting it as a cheat meal so I had a turkey club for lunch to officially count the cheat meal. It was a delicious sandwich but upset my stomach. My body is slowly become paleo'ed. That may have been my seventh cheat meal.

    1. keep it up brad - don't let this entire weekend go to waste!

  4. Day 19 - no cheat. Thinking about a cheat meal tonight just so I can enjoy a couple of good beers on tap. Weighed in today after the WOD and since the challenge began, I am down 9# (15# since starting CF a month ago). Those body weight exercises should start getting easier...

  5. Day 19 - no cheating. My office had a nice spread of free (non-paleo) food from contractors, and it didn't really bother me to walk past it every time I printed something. I even dumped out my coffee when my asshole coworker dropped a mini chocolate bar in it to try to make me inadvertently cheat. Coworkers...

    1. i wouldnt be surprised if pat sent your coworker an email to sabotage your chance of beating him (highly likely anyway)

  6. oh please we both know I will rock the crap out of Cindy. In case you were wondering I also did not cheat yesterday. Also, I'm typing this on my sweet touchpad.

  7. 100% today. Running in the Long Branch Hot Cocoa 5K in the am. Hope they have sugar/dairy free!
