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Paleo Challenge: Final Countdown

To those that have persisted - congratulations you are almost done!  I'm sure this challenge has provided plenty of up and downs so whether you decide to go off the reservation at 12:01a next Monday morning or want to stick with it to see where it continues to take you, I am proud of all of you for persevering and staying the course.

Let's look ahead to the CrossFit Games season. To those of you who register on the CrossFit Games website under CFV, you will have access to Sunday classes without using one of your allotted weekly classes. We will be doing the open workouts at 300p with the open gym to follow from 400p-600p. Click on this picture to register:

And please update your athlete profile with any (reasonable) picture - no more Pukies!


  1. No cheating on Sunday for us. Will probably remain fairly diligent with paleo after the challenge ends, but definitely going to sneak in some celebratory chocolate next week! By the way, Leo's picture on the Open website looks like a mug shot.

    1. By the way, there are a lot of "Meghan's" in today's wod

    2. 50 dips/overhead squats/handstand pushups/muscleups for time? Great...see you at 7:15!

  2. Of course you had to through in the "reasonable" caveat. Damn.

    Maybe you could dump some of those pictures from our wods on to the CFV FB page and we could pick from that, eh? EH?!

  3. No cheating on Sunday. Definitely going to stay the course but allow a sat nite off!

  4. Not sure what days we're posting here but no cheat for me on Sunday and Monday. I'll be sticking with a modified paleo diet afterwards, I already knew that my diet before starting the challenge was horrible and I really needed to modify it. Taking on the paleo challenge was a great guidance on how I can improve my eating habits and health as well.
