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2012-02-25 Wod

12min AMRAP

8 Push Press, 85/65#
10 Overhead Lunges w/ barbell, 85/65#
12 Double Unders (Unbroken)

[CFVers were not told how long the AMRAP was, so do you best not to look at the clock during the wod]



  1. So last day of the Challenge...went to Peter Luger's and I will admit we had a FEAST!!! It is impossible to go there and not eat. Although I will say I ate 90% paleo, steak, spinach and bacon. I did have a celebratory (however you spell) dessert. I seriously felt SICK after and today. I used cheat meal 5 on dessert. I learned from last night that I will continue to eat Paleo except on Saturday nights when we go out for dinner. I understand the benefits and how eating this way improves your life in the long run. I do need to tweak my diet though as I think I have been eating too many nuts to fill me which I think is not helping in keeping me lean. I know that sugar and not fat is what makes you fat but how much fat can you really eat and not gain weight?? I look forward to the next challenge and I am hoping that Saturday nights dinner did not wreck my benchmark WOD tomorrow.... Happy Sunday.

  2. My family keeps forgetting what I can and cannot eat, but now that it's over I don't have to remind them anymore. They tempted me with an order of delicious looking pizza and breaksticks but luckily I had a lunch date for sashimi and the last date I'll have to explain the paleo diet and why I'm restricted on certain foods.

    Still 100%, and even contemplated on waiting till midnight for that slice of pizza then thought of how it just might wreck me before Monday's WOD.

    1. Way to not buckle under the dating pressure Jen - and the pizza will still be there after the benchmark wod!

  3. Woohoo challenge is over! We were both good yesterday to wrap it up. I don't think I've seen much change in my weight/body fat numbers, but I certainly feel better and have more muscle definition than before. I'm looking forward to Cindy (well not really) to see what impact 6 weeks of good nutrition will have. Thanks to Leo for putting us up to this. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, watch Fathead (streaming on Netflix). I think the author is pushing a paleo diet without knowing it.

    1. You're most welcome Meghan - and while numbers don't usually lie, feelings trump!

  4. I enjoyed the challenge and plan on continuing Paleo going forward. Thanks for introducing it to usLeonardo. I dropped 19 lbs during the challenge and feel great. Unfortunately I don't have a Cindy benchmark, but there is no doubt I am stronger and more fit.
