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Paleo Challenge: One Month

At the end of last year, I was playing with the idea of making this a 30day challenge. I'm glad I decided against it. We train hard so that we can finish strong.  (But we also play strong too: a great time was had at the Paleo Pot Luck Dinner last week! Come join us for the next one!) Let's finish strong - remember the benchmark wod awaits you!



  1. No cheating on Sunday for us. I hate to say it, but I'm also glad this is a 6 week challenge. Two cheat meals (and they weren't even that bad) in 4 weeks and I'm pretty happy with myself. I still have a lot of details to iron out with the diet, but overall feeling good about it and looking forward to remaining relatively strict afterwards.

  2. Used a cheat meal for dinner - otherwise all good. I definitely learned that I should reduce/eliminate dairy for good.

  3. Day 29, no cheat. I don't weigh myself daily, but I probably lost a pound or two again. I'm still seeing some gradual changes to my physique. Here's to hoping my strength has increased by the end of this.

  4. Well I used my 3rd cheat meal. It's very hard to be in a house w 15 people in Vermont when nobody is cooking. Everybody ordered in pizza for dinner and I had a slice. It was that or my 100th larabar. Oh is a new day and I'm on my way home!

  5. Thought this was funny :)

  6. Great job to all - Day 29 good for me too!
