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2012-02-14 Wod

14min Partner AMRAP

Partner A: 14 Thrusters, 95/65# (Timekeeper)
Partner B: Burpees w/ weight vest

14 (Alternating) Box Jumps, 20"

Switch Vests



  1. Day 31 - steaks and a glass of wine for the hallmark holiday. No cheating for both of us.

  2. Day 31 - had much more than my allowed one glass of sangria - and I'm feeling it today. Could have easily had a cheat meal (w/ the sangria) but fought the temptation and ate well (at dinner and otherwise). But I am definitely feeling it today - ugh!

  3. Day 31 - ate well but used a cheat meal with chocolate covered strawberries that my wife made. If they were store bought I would have resisted.

  4. Do we have a starting time for the Tough Mudder yet? I just spent a half hour talking some serious shit to the owner of one of the contracting companies I use who is running the same day as us at 9 AM. If that man beats me, I will never hear the end of it.

    1. They email start times to you roughly a week ahead, or, at least that's how they did it for my team back in November. You select a "preferred" start time when you register, but they bumped us up an hour when they emailed us.
