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Paleo Challenge: Halfway Mark

Midnight February 26 and the challenge is all over. But is it truly over? Will you truly go back to your non-paleo ways? You've been educated. You've been through your sugar withdrawal. You've had that cheat meal and felt real crummy afterward. You've been told by family and friends that they can see the awesome results on you. And you're only halfway there - I can't wait for the next three weeks!

You'll start seeing even greater benefits in your wodding. Whether you're going heavier or going faster, you'll get off that proverbial plateau that everyone who is just working out without addressing nutrition is on.

You'll start seeing body parts you haven't seen in a while... Seriously now, when was the last time you had abs? Can't remember? Well now all you'll have to do is look in the mirror. Want to take a step further and go from 4pack to 6pack - you know how!

Most importantly, you'll start to see and believe that this isn't a diet: it's just the way you eat. And you'll start to believe that it's the way that everyone should eat - or at least try to eat. You'll especially want family and friends to try it out. Try it just like you did.  Just for 6 weeks. How will you convince them to?

Some great links this week, here they are in case you missed them:



  1. Day 22- no cheating....had a paleo superbowl and even brought nuts for dessert. Don't see the abs yet :)

  2. Day 22, used cheat meal 3. I was all prepared to eat paleo friendly foods and brought my own food to a party. But it didn't help that my friends were having food I haven't had for weeks. Ate 3 chicken tenders, 5 or so pizza rolls, and 5 or so tater tots. Definitely wasn't worth the cheat. At least I didn't over indulge on the other foods there and was the DD of the party.

  3. Used my SB cheat meal for a couple of beers, onion dip and some ice cream. Otherwise ate Paleo - made buffalo wings using coconut oil instead of butter and a paleo chili from a recipe I found online.

  4. Day 22 - we cheated as planned during the second half with a few beers and a few home-made cookies each. We made chili that was a big hit so not cheating during the first half was pretty easy. 2 cheat meals down, 3 weeks to go. Looking forward to getting back on track!

  5. Day 22: I planned on our big blue party to cheat, but never got the chance. The 5K run in the cold on the boardwalk proved idiotic. I was fighting a cold for two weeks, and now have pneumonia. I will try my best to adhere, but haven't eaten since Saturday. Not good for nutrition, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. See you in a couple of weeks.
