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2014-02-03 Wod

Every 40sec for 12 rounds:
3 power cleans @ 65% 1RM

Rest just enough time to set up for the following

3min AMRAP
15 Thrusters, 45/30# + 5 KB Swings, 24/16 kg (USA)
Rest 1min
2min AMRAP
10 Thrusters, 65/40# + 5 KB Swings
Rest 1min
1min AMRAP
Max Thrusters, 85/50#



  1. strict on food choices but probably ate more of the clean stuff than i should have.

  2. Strict Adherence Everyday!!!! :)

    Breakfast: 1 Lara bar, 6 egg white omelet
    Snack: 1 banana, 1 date, 1 coconut raw water
    Lunch; Leftover tasty, spicy, yummy chicken wings!! No greens :(
    Snack: 1 Pear
    Dinner: Spicy pulled Chicken soup. ( I think I ate too much:)
    Lots of Water

  3. strict adherence for yesterday - though due to a cold, my appetite has been small. Trying to eat more in general, but finding it difficult.

    1. PS: I parked in the parking garage lot yesterday, and it wasn't a hassle at all. If you are coming to class at night, I highly recommend parking there- it's easy, and it will save everyone a lot of grief. Especially Tuesdays/Thursdays when the turn over for parking is so quick.
      Just a friendly reminder :-)
