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2014-02-14 Wod


150 Wallballs, 20/14# to a 10' target



  1. Sha and I strict. Thanks you, "think grill" for dinner... the first one, in over 30 days, I didn't have to cook.

  2. Think Grill is awesome for that.

    We went to Rio 22 for a night of Paleo friendly MEAT wrapped in BACON! And steak and chicken and more meat!!! Mmmm mmmm mmm. Stayed away from the cheese filled Rodizio and had plenty of veggie helpings. Very tasty and stayed strict so far for the both of us. BUT the baby to be got Sofia some dark Chocolate covered strawberries so she will most likely indulge. I will stay strict.

  3. Strict. Made some Paleo bannana pancakes this morning. No sugar. Just eggs, bannana, an coconut oil. mmm mmm mmm.

  4. Replies
    1. Ingredients
      One Banana
      One egg
      dash of salt
      dash of cinnamon
      Mash banana
      Mix one egg, add dash of salt & cinnamon, if desired
      Spoon out a round pancake in heated pan over medium heat.
      Let brown on one side, flip to the other side and brown.
      Makes 3 smallish pancakes.

  5. I had a scoop of almond butter to mine- helps make them less runny and more pancake in texture!
