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2014-02-07 Wod

12min AMRAP
10 DL @ 50% 1RM
2 TGU, 75/55#
100m Row

Buy Out: 45sec Battling Rope



  1. OK, I was back to strict this week after Superbowl blunder. I believe I'm out of the competition but intend to jog along until the finish unless uncontrollable weeping kicks in due to complete lack of desserts.

  2. Strict Adherence Everyday!!! :)
    Breakfast: Protein Omelete
    Snack: 9 almonds, 1 walnut, 8 raisins
    Lunch: Choppotle Steak and Chick with guacamole
    Snack: 1 apple, 1 coconut water raw
    Dinner: Steak with broccoli
    Lots of water
