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2014-02-18 Wod

3 Rounds
12 Pendlay Row (more weight than last week)
9 Ball Slams, 35/25
30m Bear Crawl

5 Rounds
2x 3-Pos Snatch (power from high hang, mid thigh, floor) + 1 OHS, 105/70#
10 Burpees over bar

Finisher: (on their own in a separate room)
4x5 Negatives
Max Hang with left arm, right arm, 2 finger, hang w/ scapular pullups



  1. Strict (ish). Last shot of tequila, no more left.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Strict. Ok, so I stepped on a scale today and found that I have lost only one pound. However, I know that muscle weighs more than fat (to which I know I have lost in my abdomen). So for all of you out there who have stepped on a scale only to realize that you are in the same boat, do not be discouraged. Don't focus on weight so much. Scales measuring body weight can be irrelevant if your goals are to become a more competent crossfitt athlete. Instead, focus on the fact that you are getting stronger, faster, and recovering from your WODs quicker. The entire point of eating "Paleo-riffic" is to train your body to burn fat more efficiently. When you burn fat, this is essentially the process of your body using energy, which, in turn, is the metabolic process of building muscle. So while your body may have lost fat, your first instinct may be that you have lost weight. Yet in our challenge, we are "upping" the protein intake during a strenuous strength and metabolic conditioning program. That said, the weight [in fat] that has been lost, could very well be replaced with muscle-- leaving you with the same, or close to the same body weight; and in some cases (if you have the ectomorph, or "skinnier" body type) you may become heavier. All this said, keep yourself motivated not by the measurements, but by the fact that you are a better version of yourself than yesterday. FASTER , STRONGER & RECOVERING QUICKER!
