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Paleo Challenge: GSOE Wk 5

Congratulations on finishing four weeks! With only two more weeks to go until body fat testing and FGB - how is everyone feeling?



  1. Rx strict... Four weeks in and feeling sore but good.

  2. Rx strict- I agree with Emily- feel sore, but good. Will probably continue Paleo after the challenge.

  3. rx strict- I've been eating paleo for the past 6months, though during the challene I've been much more strict. I haven't noticed a drop in weight or any changes in my body since we began, but I think I'm stronger.

  4. fell off the wagon a little while on mini-vacation friday/saturday with 2 pumpkin beers (they were pumpkin - doesn't that make them paleo?) and a few superfluous glasses of wine. a la amanda, i've been eating mostly paleo for over a year. during this challenge, i've focused on fine-tuning that last 10% of food (alcohol mostly) that i normally eat which isn't paleo and i've really seen/felt results. feeling strong!

  5. Rx Strict. Feel good, but a little tired/sore from the weight training. Saying that, I definitely feel stronger!

  6. I had an accidental cheat meal yesterday, so that's 3 of my cheat meals used. I have two left but I'm hoping not to use them. I tend to feel really crappy after I have one. I'm feeling great, for the most part. Stronger and I definitely have more energy. I started doing modified Paleo at the beginning of August (still having cheese, half and half and the occasional whole wheat pasta) so it hasn't been a drastic change for me, just much more strict during the challenge. I lost some weight in August when I started but unfortunately I don't think I've lost much beyond that. I want to continue after the challenge but am contemplating doing something that might make me lose more weight.

  7. rx strict. with the exception of two days in october i have been strict during the challenge. i have been eating similar to this for a long time- no grains, no sugars.. so i dont feel that different. I do notice however, if i have days when i eat the paleo stuff made with almond flour or coconut milk that i tend to gain weight.

  8. rx-strict. i think i need another challenge to really commit 100%- it's a process- january? i have done very well with the food overall but not the alcohol. feel fitter- i guess- could all be in my mind. i will continue with the paleo way. also need to run more. ALWAYS sore too- but aren't we supposed to be?

  9. Rx Strict. Been eating paleo somewhat when I started, since the challenge it's been strictly Paleo. I've lost ~30 lbs since I started Crossfit(201->171). Now I wanna focus on technique, then more weight to get fit. Nights are the most challenging... I stay up way late and can't snack. Just drink my water and dream of food.

  10. rx - strict. I feel good since starting the challenge and will probably continue with some form of the diet after it's over. Although I may need to sneak some bread in because it is killing me.

  11. Scaled - had a cheat meal for dinner last night - family birthday get together. The past four weeks have been my first experience with Paleo. In general, cutting the grains & sugars isn't as hard as I expected (expected for the candy corn crash earlier this month!) Embarrassed to say it, but the hardest part has definitely been the wine. I don't think I've exceeded the weekly allowance for scaled (except for last weekend in New Orleans), but I hate loggin' in each day that I had yet another glass of wine. Overall, I've lost about 5lbs and feel good. I imagine I'll stick with the scaled version going forward.

  12. Scaled - cheated at the same bday dinner last night as Deb. So far, the scaled Paleo's been fine. May stick with it after the last two weeks are up.

  13. RX strict - going well and seeing some results, I feel like I've had better workouts and have more energy during them. Don't really know if it's all due to paleo or a change of my mentality during workouts...probably a mix of both.

  14. scaled strict

  15. I had some parties last week and it was NOT good at all (I cheated) but I am back - RX strict without dessert/drinks allowance. I have lost 8 pounds since I started CrossFit (Sept10th). I don't miss sugar/chocolate/dessert (what is a big surprise for me) but I miss soy and chick peas.
