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2012-01-18 Wod


16min AMRAP

Partner A: 30m Weighted Bear Crawl
Partner B: Bear Complex, 135/95#



  1. Day 4 no cheat. But I think I need to eat more...weight is coming off...kind of frighteningly fast...

  2. Day 4 no cheat....haven't lost 1lb!

    1. Don't weigh yourself everyday - wait a few weeks before the next weigh in!

  3. Day 4 no cheat. Down 5 lbs since Sunday.

  4. Meghan and I were both good again yesterday. I had to sit through a lunch presentation with about 80 people eating chicken fingers and other assorted crap in front of me, but I made it.

    No idea if either of us have lost any weight. Leo, if weight loss isn't our goal, how will that affect our score in this competition?

    1. Competitive much? Score will be determined by a mix of compliance with the standards, weight /body fat percentage changes (see fb post for more info), and performance on the benchmark wod Cindy. i expect most people to see more changes in body fat than anything else.

  5. I seem to only gain weight these days. I tell myself that it's muscle since my clothes are all looser (except in the arms), but still...that number only goes up. Sort of depressing.

    1. Clothes are looser and you can name you right arm "Law" and your left arm "Order" - that would make me feel better! So to quote snoopp dog: Don't cry, dry your eye.

  6. OK another good article from the same website as the hip flexion article, this one about Paleo Nutrition. I think it builds on the talk that we had last week. The other takeaway is that you should constantly be evaluating your fitness state and goals when you're considering changes to your diet.


    As I always say about this site, consider the source and the target audience...

  7. Day 4, no cheat. FYI, cauliflower rice does not make up for my lack of rice =(

  8. Day 4 - no cheating. I had a pounding headache in the body misses sugar.

  9. Hi everyone!! This is Jared Einstein. I am joining in the Paleo Party you are all having. I have met a bunch of you (or knew you already), and I hope to meet more of you in the coming weeks.

    Day 4 was good for me. I made slow cooker chicken in the morning so had delicious dinner waiting when I got home! I used this recipe

    And on a side note, whether you see results or not in the first week, give it some time. Your body is trying to find an equilibrium after, quite literally, coming off drugs. Once you equalize, its smooth as butta.

    1. I've been waiting for this post for 5 days - Awesome!

  10. Day 4 and going strong. My husband made us a paleo dinner since my arms were numb from the WOD.
