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2012-01-24 Wod

8min AMRAP
8 Hang Cleans, 95/65#
200m Run

Rest 1min Then

8min AMRAP
8 Power Cleans, 95/65#
200m Run



  1. First planned cheat meal (sister's birthday lunch). Felt lethargic afterward. Otherwise ok day.

  2. Didn't cheat yesterday - but apparently didn't eat enough veggies. Lesson to everyone else: make sure you're getting enough carbs or you'll be useless while wodding.

    1. Also factor in fat as a fuel source. I know thought is to keep fat out of the diet (stupid food pyramid), but whenever I have started crashing in workouts and felt useless, always traces back to not enough fat. Just my 2 cents.

    2. Leo - I probably deserved that.
      Jared - Hi Jared! Been a while! I think I was pretty good with fat - a bunch of almonds throughout the day and an avocado about 2 hours before the WOD. I normally have meat (duh) and a veggie for lunch, but was out of spinach so just had meat. I pretty much cried my way through the WOD. I'm hoping to avoid a repeat performance tonight. Will bring tissues just in case.

    3. Hi Meghan. That sounds pretty good with fat. Just keep an eye on it. Crying through workouts is encouraged, just not because of hunger/energy, blood, sweat, and tears are medals of honor. If it is consistently a problem though, try keeping track/counting/weighing your carbs/protein/fat for the day. You can post it and I can tell you my thoughts (as I am sure Leo might chime in as well). Don't let yourself get too frustrated and that result in falling off the wagon. Just keep an eye on it, and hopefully we can pinpoint the problem to never have that repeat performance. And on a side note, I am pretty sure that I know Pat from Stevens. I realized it when I bumped into a mutual friend, Andrew, a few weeks ago.

    4. I agree 100% with Zoolan... Jared. If you have some kinks to work out, there are probably other people that could benefit from the airing of said kinks in the open as well.

    5. Jared you know Dullas??? My head just exploded.
      Leo - was going to say that I have no problem airing my kinks in public...but then thought it sounded inappropriate...but then I typed it anyway.

      I ate my typical amount of protein today, increased the carbs...but am lower on fat (forgot an avocado, ran out of almonds). Will WOD and see how I feel. May have to get more serious about measuring food quantities, which sounds really annoying.

  3. Went well. A big hungry, gotta keep calories up and not get lazy with it.

  4. Day 10, no cheat. Went on a date last night and had two options: Just do a cheat meal to avoid being that girl that feels self conscious about eating and just orders a salad, or be a super picky customer that substitutes everything in the plate for another item. Found a dish where I just subbed for more veggies. The guy ends up ordering the salad, and only taking two bites before saying they're full.

  5. No cheating for me either yesterday.

    I made my own variation of taco salad for dinner. It's really easy (takes about 1/2 hour to prepare) and it's enough food for 2 people for 2 meals. Cook a couple pounds of ground beef, drain it, throw in veggies (I like to use tomatos, garlic, and green pepper - jalapenos would work too) and some seasoning (which you can make yourself, search for "taco seasoning" on Throw that on top of a bowl of spinach; it's a pretty decent meal.

  6. haven't been so good on the blog but basically cheating. I say "basically" because I made the mistake of hanging out with Stefan on Saturday and he was a terrible influence.

  7. I meant basically NOT cheating

  8. Leo, greetings from across the pond. Just wanted to let you know that others read these posts (meaning me) and are inspired by them. I may not have met most of you, but the success you are seeing is motivating to others (Again, me). Keep up the good work. On a side note, I tried to catch you on the OHS/Ring dip couplet, but just couldn't get there. Close, but not there. Nice job. Roy.
