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2012-01-20 Wod

Death By Pullups

Decreasing (20 down to 1) HSPU Penalty for failing before 20th min

Additonal 2 burpees for every 5sec it takes to do HSPU 



  1. Day 6 adhered. I missed a great wod...boohoo

  2. Day 6 - no cheating for Pat and I. Tough to come home from work late on a Friday and not have a beer...but I lady up'd.

    I noticed after today's WOD that I think I might have a little bit more energy than when I'm not being strict on paleo. Came home and got right into the weekend to-do list instead of lounging on the couch for an hour.

  3. Day 6 no cheating. I don't have much as an appetite as I used to and not feeling hungry too often. Not sure if it's because my meals aren't appetizing and my body is refusing to eat or if my stomach is shrinking.

  4. Day 6 Failed. I was a cocktail and three beers over the limit. I adhered with the food but went out with friends and soda water with a lime wasn't working. Like Jen, my appetite has tempered.

  5. Day 6 went great even though friends were over and got pizza. Little late posting, but was out snowboarding all day yesterday.
