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2012-01-26 Wod

9 Rounds:

9 Pullups
9 Wallballs, 20/14#



  1. Day 12 - went out for my birthday with all my girlfriends. I managed to only have one glass of wine! I was great through dinner as I only had grilled octopus, calamari, shrimp and fish. ( we went to that new Greek restaurant - Lithos- so everything was healthy). They sent out a cake for my bday and I didn't even taste it! I felt like I had to have a bite of something so I had 2 bites of a pistachio chocolate truffle. I'm not calling this a cheat meal bc I think 2 bites for a bday dessert shouldn't count but you can decide! Trying to save my cheat meal for sat night when we officially celebrate....

    1. The chocolate truffle may come into play for a tie breaker... but nice job on resisting the wine!

  2. Replies
    1. Not yet - been too busy with work. My wife (who is a vegetarian) has been helpful with vegetable side dishes. So I have grilled a bunch of meat and occasionally buy a rotisserie chicken.

  3. Who has two thumbs and ate well yesterday...this guy.

  4. Day 12: no cheating. Ate a mango to deal with my cravings for something sweet and it (at least) temporarily did the trick. Looking forward to hitting the two-week-strict mark.

  5. Just found out that Tucker Max (yes, that Tucker Max) has been paleo since 2007. Not sure how I feel about this anymore...

    1. Haha - did he go up a notch on your 'free pass' list?

    2. Apparently he's renounced his old ways and is looking for love now, so he'll have to come off the free pass list altogether. Good thing Pat doesn't post on here, or he'd find out about my free pass list.

  6. Day 12: I ate Paleo, but I did not eat well - meals were too interspersed and definitely did not have enough substance to them.

    I know, I know, there is a website out there with really easy recipes..

  7. Just thought Id share this :) she puts me to shame. Lol

    1. The funniest thing about this is that Andrew posted this to fb :)

  8. Ahhhh once a 615-er always a 615-er.. this ones a funny one too:

  9. I guess Meghan didn't include me in her post... I was good too. Also, no free passes, especially not for a douche like Tucker Max.
