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2012-01-28 Wod

100m Sprint
90 Lunges
70 Box Jumps
50 AbMat Situps
30 Thrusters, 95/65#
10 Burpee Pullups
100m Sprint



  1. Day 14 - I was great all day and went into city for my bday. I used my cheat meal as I knew I would, At least it wasn't an Italian restaurant! I will say I woke up with a terrible stomache and now understand the benefitis of what I have been doing. Since today is my official bday I am praying the kids dont want me to eat cake as I'm going to convince them to put a candle in a paleo protein ball!

    1. Happy Birthday Amy! you know what to do if you have any leftover paleo protein SPHERES!

  2. Day 14 was good! Still feeling very well overall and am definitely doing better with my wods - wahoo!

  3. Day 14, no cheat. Having a meal with someone eating a nice serving of rice and beans, a flour tortilla wrapped burrito, a huge mug of beer with chips and salsa did not phase me. Although I was hoping they would tell the server they were allergic to gluten for me but their food choices would make them a liar.

  4. I'm out. I got sick and didn't work out after Monday but also took comfort in comfort food.....mistake. Two more cheat meals down. I have a pretty good routine down during the week but the weekends kill me. In fact, I had a cupcake today so I'm three cheat meals down since last Monday - tough week. Looking forward to getting back into it Tomorrow.

  5. Great weekend and back to good health. Got back to 100% Paleo, but my husband- not so much. Looking forward to a solid week before the celebratory weekend.

  6. Two full weeks paleo for Meghan and me.
