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2012-01-19 Wod

Athlete's Choice

Pick a wod you missed and crush it!



  1. First post today.

    Day 5 went well. A bit hungry at night, but stayed away from the bad stuff, which is all that matters.

    1. Haha - nice! This is def my OCD kicking in but... do I need to do something so that the time people post is consistent with EST (or is that something that everyone needs to fix on their own)?

    2. I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it. I think it must be the configuration of the blog for comments.

    3. It looks like a lot of people are having this problem as of 1/12/12. Supposedly if you don't embed the comments and do it fullpage or popup you wont have the problem. But prob better to just keep it with wrong times than mess with it haha

  2. Meghan and I stayed strict through 5 days. This is getting easier.

  3. I had a second glass of wine with dinner - so that wasn't within the guidelines - but the meal was legit!

  4. Thank you in advance for letting me vent here, but I just need to get it out cause I am about to kill someone.

    I ran out of eggs yesterday, so had no breakfast this morning. Then the tech guy who was supposed to be here at 9, shows up at 12 and is still working. So I havent eaten lunch because I was going to run home real quick. The only things around me are obviously non-Paleo. I legitimately am going to eat my the keyboard. Sorry to be the complainer today, but I am not sure I am going to make it. It was nice knowing you all.

  5. Let me make you feel better, Jared. Cheated last night. Pizza. 4 slices. Forgive me, for I have sinned.

    1. I'm not sure if I feel better, or if I am going to leave and eat 8 slices. haha you ate enough for the both of us it sounds like though, so ill make sure to be good and just go home and eat well.

      and by the way, i am pretty sure keyboards are in fact paleo.

    2. 4 slices is typically my warm up. But after having eaten paleo for a few days prior, I was feeling pretty full with just that.

    3. I find that not only am I full faster, but I feel AWFUL after eating poorly. A tiny something here and there is usually not bad (although I am not doing that for this challenge), but when I go off the deepend, my body lets me know about it.
