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2012-01-21 Wod

15-12-9-6-3-1 OHS, 95/65#
1-3-6-9-12-15 Ring Dips



  1. Day 7 no cheating! One week down, no cheat meals....helps that I didn't go out last night.....I can't say this week will be easy for me but think I should have my birthday off ( just sayin.....)

  2. 7 days with no cheating for either of us. According to the scale this morning, I'm down almost a percent body fat and Pat's down 0.5. Wondering how long I can go before I succumb to a peanut butter cup.

  3. Day 7, no cheat. Luckily my family is still tolerating my diet and decided to go out to dinner at a steakhouse for my mom's birthday. She chose the restaurant, ok not really.

  4. Day 7:One full week on strict Paleo. Headed out for the game, so this will take some willpower. I'll do my best.

  5. No cheat - Day 7. Job well done to all who posted!
