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2012-01-25 Wod

6x3 (Sumo) Deadlift @ 70% 1RM


Burpees (on MedBall)
Double Unders (Must be unbroken)



  1. Day 11 - no cheating. I had a really tough day for some reason but I think its due to the days that I WOD at 5:45am I am STARVING between 2-4. Even though I have a decent lunch I hit that time and I crave chips and pretzels. I will eat a bag of portioned nuts but it doesn't seem to the do trick. I did it make it through with more will power than you can imagine but it wasn't easy...Today is a new day :)

    1. Nice job ladying up! Just like Jared was saying yesterday: feel free to post what/when you ate yesterday (or any day you feel eh) and we can try to figure out what's missing. Maybe it's a simple as having an earlier lunch so you can add another small meal around 230ish.

    2. Perfectly put Leo! Playing around with meal times/quantities on WOD days can be very helpful.

      Also, make sure you are rehydrating. Craving salty things makes me think dehydrated from sweating. That goes for you start pushing yourself to new heights you'll probably end up needing a little more water.

    3. It's definitely a water issue....I only drink one bottle of water a day and no other liquids...

  2. Day 11 - no cheat. I'm not finding it hard but I am getting in a bit of a rut by eating more or less the same things everyday. I need to start mixing it up.

    1. if you are looking for ideas, i can recommend this site they are usually really good and there are plenty of quick/easy ones

  3. Day 11 was good. Still have to do better at planning and making sure I have enough, rather than eating tuna. boring.

    1. If you are looking for ideas, my good friend recommended this site from what I've heard, they are usually really good and there are plenty of quick/easy ones.

      Sorry buddy - couldn't resist

  4. 100% Day 11. Found a great recipe for Paleo crab cakes. Next time I will double the recipe and freeze them. My husband claims they were better than any restaurant's. I think he is a little impartial though, since his survival depends on my cooking!

  5. Dear Diary,

    Day 11 - no cheating for Pat and I. Feeling pretty terrible about WODs this week, so taking the day off from working out to pretend I'm a (decent) grad student. Not sure if I'll be able to get through without consuming some sort of non-paleo snack. Meals are no problem...but I'm dreaming of chocolate.

  6. Day 11, no cheat. Was able to prep something quick and easy last night for dinner. Still at it with the diet, but my back, not so much.
