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2013-07-08 Wod

"It's not like I do this at the YMCA"

Part I:

73 K2E then max unbroken double unders (stop at 73)
(3 attempts or 3min - whichever comes first)

Part II:

6 Rounds
7 Weighted Pushups, 45/25#
n Air Squats (based on max unbroken double unders - see equation* below)

Part III:

40 Burpees

(143 - max double unders)/10 = n (always round up)



  1. Strict Adherence - Everyday!:)

    Eggwhites + one full egg
    Epic Protein Bar + Apple
    Grilled LampChops - Sauteed Vegetables + 1 peach
    Lots of Water
    Progenix Recovery Drink after WOD.

  2. strict adherence food wise- had a needed drink when I came home from work. Writing all this drinking down is starting to make me look bad...
