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2014-01-20 Wod

1RM Power Clean

100m Sprints



  1. Super strict adherence.

  2. Lots of PRs yesterday! Congrats to Amanda, Jason, Lisa F, Mike C, Owen, Ray, and anyone else that wasn't there in the evening for working hard and picking up heavy weights. Looking forward to watching those numbers go up even more!

  3. Strict Adherence EVERYDAY!!!

    Breakfast:Pretty Eggs in Peppers, Turkey meatballs and avocado
    Snack 1: 12 Grapes, 5 half walnuts
    Lunch: Tasty Chicken with Kale salad and spicy sauce
    Snack 2: 1 orange, 1 Date
    Dinner: Delicious chicken chili with avocado (Twice).
    Lots of Water

  4. Strict with one mistake. I'm not sure how this will count against me, considering it was not a conscious effort at a cheat, but coaches, you be the judge. -So I had a spoon full of almond butter for a snack last night. Upon re-reading the ingredients label as the Paleo friendly goodness slid down my gullet, I see the words "evaporated cane juice" (ECJ). Hmmmm….- Words that somehow did not register as questionable upon my first ingredient label inspection at Whole Foods. Out of curiosity, and with further research, I found that ECJ is just a fancy word for sugar. And companies that supply food products with ECJ in them to places like whole foods, or organic markets, use this terminology to combat people like us who read labels looking for words like SUGAR, or High fructose corn syrup, etc. The trick worked on me, and I didn't notice it at first glance. So read your labels folks, and be advised that ECJ is now another ingredient to look out for when aiming for strict adherence. I've attached an article for those of you who are interested in learning more about ECJ:
