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2014-01-14 Wod

Complete the following in 14min
90sec L-sit (on rings) buy-in then
AMRAP in remaining time of:
5 Back Squats, 115/75#
9 Ring Dips

Pullup work (Week 1):

0-5 Pullups
4x 4 Pullups w/ negatives (6-10sec descent)
4x 10, 8, 6, 10+ Bent Over Row (+ weight as reps decrease, - weight last set)
4x Hanging one arm, 2 finger, hanging w/ scapular pullups (max effort)

5+ Pullups
4x 4 Pullups w/ negatives (6-10sec descent)
4x 10, 8, 6, 10+ Bent Over Row (+ weight as reps decrease, - weight last set)
4x Hanging one arm, 2 finger, hanging w/ scapular pullups (max effort)



  1. Super Strict Adherence (Whole30) Do we have to write down what we ate?

  2. Strict adherence here.. I didn't know exactly how to post here until last night. I started the Whole Life Challenge on Saturday, so I have been strict for 5 days- even though this is only day 2 for the Veracity Life Challenge. I'm doing the strict level for the WLC as well (No suga,r No Alcohol, no artificial ing.,No cheat meals). So it's day five and I'm starting to have dreams about diving head first into huge vaulted rooms full of ice cream- Like Uncle Scrooge McDuck, from DuckTales, dove into his gold coin vault. (for all you 90's kids out there). LOL

    1. best TV show. DUCK TALES-Oooh oooh ooh! MOST catch theme song.

  3. Strict Adherence (Whole30)
    Breakfast: Chicken cutlets with Two boiled Eggs
    Snack 1: Grilled Chicken
    Lunch: Duck, Lamb and Chicken with Green Salad (no dressing)
    Snack 2: Apple plus 10 almonds
    Dinner: Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower (most delicious ever) with Tasty Kale Salad.
    Lots of Water


  4. Cheat meals: bowl of organic granola w/ skim milk in the morning, small bowl of organic pasta with high quality non-organic red clam sauce at dinner....

    everything else during the day was paleo compliant......whew - glad I got that off my chest and will not have a uni-brow

  5. Strict so far!!

  6. Do I have to my own waist or what. Cause I think it's getting smaller already
