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2014-01-30 Wod

EMOM x 10
10 Slam Ball Twists, 35/20#
5 Slam Ball Cleans, 35/20#

*10 Burpee penalty for each missed round

Pullup work (Week 3):

0-5 pullups
4x20sec Chin over bar hold
4x 10 Assisted Pullups
10, 8, 6 DB Row (+ weight as reps decrease)

5+ pullups
4x20sec Chin over bar hold
5x 3 Weighted Pullups (same weight)
3x 12 DB Row (+ 5-10# each set)



  1. Dan strict.
    Sofia had some oatmeal in the morning to help feel better. Strict for the ret of the day.

  2. Strict Adherence Everyday!!! :)
    Breakfast:1 Date, Lara Bar and 3 boiled eggs
    Snack: 16 Pistachios
    Lunch: Mexican Chicken and Steak with Guacamole and peppers (no sauce)
    Snack: 1 Apple
    Dinner: Much better than the Duck!!! Spice Ground Turkey on Cauliflower bed.
    Lots of Water
    1 Coconut water Raw.
